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Dissemination & Training

This subproject concentrates on the dissemination of the results and experiences obtained in CO2ReMoVe. This will be achieved by
  • Disseminating information about the project and its results to industry, scientists and engineers, the public, decision makers and other stakeholders in CCS through maintaining the website, organizing workshops, publishing scientific papers, etc.
  • Offering training on CCS and project products
  • Educating young scientists in MSc and/or PhD programs and in summer schools.
  • Obtaining and encouraging feedback about the project and its results
The CO2ReMoVe project is of great relevance to all CCS stakeholders and could lead to important insights for the research community. It is explicitly aimed at helping policymakers achieve their targets in the field of greenhouse gas reductions, and will be important for the international initiatives taken in the field of climate change, CO2 capture and storage, and energy planning. The broad field of target groups and the broad range of information resulting from the project require a carefully planned dissemination strategy.
Key output:
The Project