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ECN - Energy Research Centre of the Netherlands

Energy research Centre of the Netherlands ECN
The Energy research Centre of the Netherlands (ECN) is the leading centre for energy research and development in the Netherlands. ECN conducts technology and policy research to find solutions to meeting social needs for energy services in a safe, efficient and clean way. ECN comprises 700 staff, structured into eight business units: Solar Energy; Wind Energy; Biomass; Energy Efficiency; Clean Fossil Fuels; Fuel cells, Renewable Energy in the Built Environment, and Policy Studies. ECN Policy Studies is participating in the CO2REMOVE consortium, but could draw from expertise in for instance the Unit Clean Fossil Fuels over the course of the project.

The role of ECN Policy Studies in the CO2REMOVE project would be in the field of the use of technical data in the policy context. The work done in the field of the EU ETS, notably the advice on the Dutch National Allocation Plan and several studies on the European Commission level, combined with a good overview and network of the technology, required for the coordination of the IPCC Special Report, gives ECN a good position to contribute to the CO2REMOVE project and to bridge between policy requirements and technical possibilities. The experience in the field of dissemination of major research findings will be useful in the Subproject on dissemination.

Energy Research Centre of the Netherlands