British Geological Survey (BGS) was established in 1835 and is the United Kingdom’s national geological survey and one of the world’s major centres of geoscientific knowledge, expertise and excellence. BGS has approximately 800 staff, of which some 500 are professional scientists and technologists. It is the nation's foremost supplier of geoscience solutions and custodian of much of the country's geoscientific information. It is responsible for advising the UK government on all aspects of geoscience as well as providing impartial geological advice to industry, academia and the public in the UK and internationally. BGS forms part of the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC), responsible for basic, strategic and applied research in the environmental sciences. BGS was involved in the pioneer EU Joule II project and has been involved since in many other CO2 projects including SACS, GESTCO, NASCENT, WEYBURN, CO2NET, NGCAS, SAMCARDS, CO2STORE.