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Archived News Archive

CO2ReMoVe press release

Underground CO2 storage put to the test: is it safe and effective?


The Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies (GHGT) conference series was formed in 1997 following the merger of the earlier series of International Conference on Carbon Dioxide Removal (ICCDR) and the Greenhouse Gas Mitigation options conference. IEA Greenhouse Gas R&D Programme (IEA GHG) are the guardians of the GHGT conferences which are held every two years.

CO2ReMoVe Closing Conference

The CO2ReMoVe project has been researching predictive performance assessment and monitoring and verification techniques for CO2 storage . The project started in March 2006 and is carried out by a consortium of research, industrial and service organisations, all with extensive experience in the geological storage of CO2. Over the last five years the consortium has had the opportunity to integrate their experience at both industrial- and pilot-scale geological storage sites aimed at testing specific technologies and methodologies.

CO2 capture and storage in the UNFCCC. New instruments, the Clean Development Mechanism and views from geoscientists

The Energy research Centre of the Netherlands in collaboration with Ecofys, the CATO2 programme, the CO2ReMoVe project, the British Geological Survey, IFP Energies Novelles and Quintessa held a side-event on CCS in the CDM in Bonn at SB-34 Time: 13:15 - 14:45 hrs

CO2 capture and storage in the UNFCCC. New instruments, the Clean Development Mechanism and views from geoscientists

The Energy research Centre of the Netherlands is hosting a side-event on CCS in the CDM in Bonn Time: 13:15 - 14:45 hrs Location: Room Solar (Ministry of Environment) - SB 34 &nbsp

2nd Oxyfuel Combustion Conference

Low Carbon Earth Summit

1st Sustainable Earth Sciences Conference & Exhibition

Technologies for Sustainable Use of the Deep Sub-surface.

Towards a full integration from Geoscience to Reservoir Simulation

Topics are Engineering, Geosciences, Hydrology and CO2 sequestration.

Offshore Europe

ACCEunited: Global Carbon Capture Utilization & Storage Summit

6th Trondheim Conference on CCS

Deadline submission of abstracts: January 15, 2011

Carbon Expo2011

Addresses key topics crucial for wide-spread CCS deployment.

Clean Coal Technologies 2011

CCT2011 will be hosted by the Instituto de Carboquimica and will take place in Zaragoza, Spain in May 2011.

10th Annual Conference on Carbon Capture and Sequestration


One of the key events in Spain on energy and environment. Alongside the trade fair, there a a number of conferences on different energy topics.

3rd Carbon Capture & Storage Summit

Global trade fair and conferences on carbon technologies.

73rd EAGE Conference & Exhibition incorporating SPE EUROPEC 2011

Unconventional Resources and the Role of Technology

European Sustainable Energy Week 2011

CCS ready to go?

IZ Klima 3rd CCS Conference

Carbon storage - the subsurface: how, where and (when) now!

7th Clean Coal Forum 2011

China Energy and Environment Summit 2011

CO2ReMoVe NGO-research dialogue workshop

CO2ReMoVe NGO-research dialogue workshop The Energy Research Centre of the Netherlands (ECN), on behalf of the CO2ReMoVe project, organised a workshop aimed at enabling environmental NGOs to influence the direction of research in monitoring and verification of geological CO2 storage on February 23, 2011.

NGO-research dialogue on CO2ReMoVe results

The CO2ReMoVe project and the Energy research Centre of the Netherlands (ECN) are organising a workshop aimed at enabling environmental NGOs to influence the direction of research in monitoring and verification of geological CO2 storage.

(SPE) Carbon Capture and Sequestration (CCS)


CO2GeoNet Fifth annual Open Forum

ACI 2nd Carbon Capture and Storage Conference


8th European Coal Conference

Held in the frame of the GeoDarmstadt 2010 symposium; includes the topic 'Coal seams and coal bearing formations as gas deposits (CBM) and CO2-storage sites'

SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition

2010 CO2 Capture Technology R&D Meeting

International Interdisciplinary CCS Summer School 2010

A Summer School organised by the CO2ReMoVe Research Partnership

The Summer School organised by the CO2ReMoVe consortium will aim to present the most recent findings of the research carried out in the project.

Carbon Capture and Storage World Australia 2010

Climate change: Impacts and Opportunities

72nd EAGE Conference & Exhibition incorporating SPE EUROPEC 2010

'Gas Sequestration' and 'Improved Oil Recovery Strategies' can be found among conference topics.

SPE ATW: Carbon Capture and Storage

5th Risk Assessment Network

9th Annual Conference on Carbon Capture and Sequestration

6th Monitoring Network

6th Wellbore Integrity Network meeting

CCS Ready to Go?

European Conference on CCS Research, Development and Demonstration organised by CESAR, DECARBit and CAESAR projects, includes CO2NET Annual Seminar;

Innovation for Sustainable Production

Modelling Permeable Rocks (with special focus on CO2 storage)

Integrating Geology and Mathematics for Groundwater, Environment and Petroleum Applications.

2nd Modelling network - CO2 Geological Storage Modelling

Environmental Impacts of Capture

World gas conference

Host: IGU. Deadline for submission: TBA. Deadline for registration: TBA.

5th Conference on Carbon Credit Market and Carbon Capture and Storage

8th International Carbon Dioxide Conference

General Information Dates and location The conference will take place September 13-19, 2009 in the large auditorium and adjacent halls of the Friedrich-Schiller-University, Ernst-Abbe-Platz 1 in downtown Jena, Germany. Jena is a small town in eastern Germany, easy to reach by express train from the international airports of Leipzig, Nürnberg or Frankfurt. Local organization The conference will be organized by the Max-Planck-Institute for Biogeochemistry in Jena, Germany. Partial support for the conference is being sought from the German Max-Planck-Society and the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). Conference Chair Prof. Dr. Martin Heimann Director Max-Planck-Institut für Biogeochemie Hans-Knöll-Straße 10 07745 Jena ( Email Conference Organisation Conventus Congressmanagement & Marketing GmbH Mr Felix Angermüller Markt 8 07743 Jena (Germany) Telephone +49 (0)3641 3 53 32 26 Facsimile +49 (0)3641 35 33 21 Email Information A First Announcement and Call For Papers will be distributed and posted on the website in the near future, including a conference timeline as well as information on registration and accommodations. Newsletters If you like to receive the conference newsletters, please send a short mail to

Coal-Gen Europe Conference & exhibition 2009


Fifth Trondheim Conference CO2 CAPTURE and Storage (TCCS)

Deep Saline Aquifers for Geological Storage of CO2 and Energy

4th International Conference on Clean coal technologies

18-20th May Maritim and international Congress centre, Dresden, GERMANY contact. IEA clean coal center, London UK email:

8th Annual Conference on Carbon - Capture & Sequestration

2nd Annual European CCS submit

2-3rd Dec. 2008, Marble Arch >London, UK tel: +44 207156 5233

9th International Conference Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies (GHGT-9)

Host: IEAGHGT. Deadline for submission: March 28, 2008. Deadline for registration: Open 1st April.

Carbon Capture and Storage, seminar at the IME

Host: IME

CO2 expo

Host: Zero Emission 2008

CO2 Geological Storage Workshop

Host: EAGE. Deadline for submission: 15 April 2008. Deadline for registration: 15th July to 8th September.

SEG/EAGE Summer Research Workshop 2008: Unconventional resources

Host: SEG. Deadline for submission: 23rd april. Deadline for registration: 31st july.

Global CO2 Summit

Host: CWC. Deadline for submission: invited key speakers

A flavour of gas business challenges

Host: NPF.

SPE Applied Technology Workshop: Roadmap to Successful Storage of CO2

Host: SPE Deadline for registration: 2nd May

7th Annual Conference on Carbon - Capture & Sequestration

Deadline for submission: closed Pre-registration: 3rd of April

3rd conference on carbon capture and storage

CO2GeoNet Open Forum and Full Workshop

Host: CO 2 Geonet

Conference on CO2 for enhanced oil recovery

Host: American Conference Institute

Workshop on numerical models for carbon dioxide storage in geological formations

Host : Institut für Wasserbau, Stuttgart University